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has glosseng: Competition in economics is a term that encompasses the notion of individuals and firms striving for a greater share of a market to sell or buy goods and services. Merriam-Webster defines competition in business as "the effort of two or more parties acting independently to secure the business of a third party by offering the most favorable terms." It was described by Adam Smith in The Wealth of Nations (1776) and later economists as allocating productive resources to their most highly-valued uses. and encouraging efficiency. Later microeconomic theory distinguished between perfect competition and imperfect competition, concluding that with the no system of resource allocation is more efficient than perfect competition. Competition, according to the theory, causes commercial firms to develop new products, services and technologies, which would give consumers greater selection and better products. The greater selection typically causes lower prices for the products, compared to what the price would be if there was no competition (monopoly) or little competition (oligopoly).
lexicalizationeng: Competition
subclass ofc/Business
Note: 53 other instance(s) ommited in the following list
has instancee/cs/Gilda
has instancee/cs/Katalogový podvod
has instancee/cs/Konkurence autobusových dopravců v Ústeckém kraji
has instancee/de/Anreizregulierung
has instancee/de/Aufzugs- und Fahrtreppenkartell
has instancee/de/Double Marginalization
has instancee/de/EBC (Telekommunikation)
has instancee/de/Finnish Communications Regulatory Authority
has instancee/de/Gebietsschutz (Wettbewerbstheorie)
has instancee/de/Gegengiftthese
has instancee/de/Gigantomanie
has instancee/de/Höchstpreisregulierung
has instancee/de/Konkurrenzdruck
has instancee/de/Laterale Integration
has instancee/de/Mittelstandskartell
has instancee/de/Multimarkt-Wettbewerb
has instancee/de/Nischenmarkt
has instancee/de/Parallelverhalten
has instancee/de/Preisführerschaft
has instancee/de/Randwettbewerb
has instancee/de/Rationalisierungskartell
has instancee/de/Regulierungsbehörde
has instancee/de/Reichskommissar für die Preisbildung
has instancee/de/Spezialisierungskartell
has instancee/de/Standortwettbewerb
has instancee/de/Strukturkrisenkartell
has instancee/de/Wettbewerbsintensität
has instancee/Atomistic market
has instancee/Bertrand competition
has instancee/Competition (biology)
has instancee/Cutthroat competition
has instancee/Decartelization
has instancee/Diamond model
has instancee/Fuld-Gilad-Herring Academy of Competitive Intelligence
has instancee/Lerner Index
has instancee/Nonprice competition
has instancee/Wantrapreneur
has instancee/pl/Czysty monopol
has instancee/pl/Monopol pełny
has instancee/vi/Chỉ số năng lực cạnh tranh cấp tỉnh
has glossafr: Mededingers is sakeondernemings wat dieselfde of n soortgelyke produk of diens as ander ondernemings verksaf. Elke onderneming wat met n ander meeding, probeer om soveel moontlik van dieselfde klante of kliënte te kry om sy produkte te koop of om van sy dienste gebruik te maak. 'n Onderneming moet bewus wees van nuwe mededinging en sy mededingers noukeurig bestudeer omdat die mededinger die onderneming se handel en bedrywighede kan bemoeilik.
lexicalizationafr: mededinger
lexicalizationbos: Takmičenje
has glossbul: Видове конкуренция Съществуват два вида конкуренция - съвършена и несъвършена конкуренция.
lexicalizationbul: конкуренция
has glossces: Hospodářská soutěž (obecněji konkurence) je, podle Obchodního zákoníku, souběžná snaha subjektů na trhu určitého druhu zboží nebo služeb, jejichž cílem je dosažení určitých výhod před ostatními v oblasti hospodářských užitků, popř. výsledků, a jež vzájemně ovlivňuje jejich hospodářskou činnost.
lexicalizationces: Hospodářská soutěž
lexicalizationcym: Cystadleuaeth
lexicalizationdeu: Wettbewerbstheorie
has glossepo: Konkurenco estas organiza formo de la merkato. La konkurenco ebligas ekvilibrigi la prezojn kaj kvantojn da varoj. La konkurenco povas esti perfekta aŭ neperfekta.
lexicalizationepo: konkurenco
has glosshun: A gazdasági verseny a nemzetközi vagy belföldi piac szereplői közötti verseny, amelyben országok és országcsoportok, emberek és vállalkozásaik, többnyire gazdasági szervezet formájában vesznek részt.
lexicalizationhun: gazdasági verseny
lexicalizationkor: 경쟁
has glosslav: Ekonomikas kontekstā, konkurence ir cīņa starp preču ražotājiem par izdevīgākajiem preču ražošanas un realizēšanas apstākļiem un iespēju gūt lielāku peļņu.
lexicalizationlav: konkurence
lexicalizationlit: Konkurencija
lexicalizationpol: Modele konkurencji
has glosspor: Em economia concorrência corresponde à situação de um mercado em que os diferentes produtores/vendedores de um determinado bem ou serviço actuam de forma independente face aos compradores/consumidores, com vista a alcançar um objectivo para o seu negócio – lucros, vendas e/ou quota de mercado – utilizando diferentes instrumentos, tais como os preços, a qualidade dos produtos, os serviços após venda.
lexicalizationpor: Competição
lexicalizationpor: concorrência
has glossrus: Деловая конкуренция — тип соревнования, возникающий между хозяйствующими субъектами, каждый из которых своими действиями ограничивает возможность конкурента односторонне воздействовать на условия обращения товаров на рынке, то есть о степени зависимости рыночных условий от поведения отдельных участников рынка.
lexicalizationrus: Деловая конкуренция
has glossspa: La competencia es una situación en la cual los agentes económicos tienen la libertad de ofrecer bienes y servicios en el mercado, y de elegir a quién compran o adquieren estos bienes y servicios. En general, esto se traduce por una situación en la cual, para un bien determinado, existen una pluralidad de oferentes y una pluralidad de demandantes.
lexicalizationspa: competencia
has glossvie: Cạnh tranh là hiện tượng tự nhiên, là mâu thuẫn quan hệ giữa các cá thể có chung một môi trường sống đối với điều kiện nào đó mà các cá thể cùng quan tâm. Trong hoạt động kinh tế, đó là sự ganh đua giữa các chủ thể kinh tế (nhà sản xuất, người tiêu dùng) nhằm giành lấy những vị thế tương đối trong sản xuất, tiêu thụ hay tiêu dùng hàng hóa để thu được nhiều lợi ích nhất cho mình. Cạnh tranh có thể xảy ra giữa những nhà sản xuất với nhau hoặc có thể xảy ra giữa người sản xuất với người tiêu dùng khi người sản xuất muốn bán hàng hóa với giá cao, người tiêu dùng lại muốn mua được với giá thấp.
lexicalizationvie: Cạnh tranh


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