c/Renewable energy organizations

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lexicalizationeng: Renewable energy organizations
subclass of(noun) a group of people who work together
organization, organisation
has instancee/de/Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien
has instancee/de/Bundesverband Erneuerbare Energie
has instancee/de/Clearingstelle EEG
has instancee/de/Deutscher Energieholz- und Pelletverband
has instancee/de/EnergieVision
has instancee/de/Energiewerk
has instancee/de/Energy Watch Group
has instancee/de/Grüner Strom Label
has instancec/de/Organisation (Solarenergie)
has instancee/de/O.Ö. Energiesparverband
has instancee/de/Ökoenergie-Cluster Oberösterreich
has instancee/ARPA-E
has instancee/Alternative Energy Promotion Centre
has instancee/Aprovecho
has instancee/Arthur Nozik
has instancee/BTM Consult
has instancee/COMES
has instancee/Energy-Quest
has instancee/European super grid
has instancee/International Sustainable Energy Agency
has instancee/List of renewable energy organizations
has instancee/Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
has instancee/Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
has instancee/RESCO
has instancee/Renewable Fuels Association
has instancee/Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory
has instancee/World Alliance for Decentralized Energy
lexicalizationdeu: Organisation


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