cat: determinar

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means(verb) find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort; "I want to see whether she speaks French"; "See whether it works"; "find out if he speaks Russian"; "Check whether the train leaves on time"
determine, find out, ascertain, learn, check, watch, see
means(verb) reach, make, or come to a decision about something; "We finally decided after lengthy deliberations"
make up one's mind, decide, determine
means(verb) settle conclusively; come to terms; "We finally settled the argument"
square up, square off, determine, settle
means(verb) fix conclusively or authoritatively; "set the rules"
determine, set
means(verb) decide upon or fix definitely; "fix the variables"; "specify the parameters"
define, limit, determine, fix, specify, set
means(verb) fix in scope; fix the boundaries of; "the tree determines the border of the property"
means(verb) shape or influence; give direction to; "experience often determines ability"; "mold public opinion"
determine, shape, regulate, influence, mold


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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