ces: zvýšit

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/ces/zv%C3%BD%C5%A1it
means(verb) make bigger or more; "The boss finally increased her salary"; "The university increased the number of students it admitted"
means(verb) enlarge or increase; "The recent speech of the president augmented tensions in the Near East"
means(verb) increase in extent or intensity; "The Allies escalated the bombing"
escalate, step up, intensify
means(verb) speed up; "let's rev up production"
step up, rev up
means(verb) make more extreme; raise in quantity, degree, or intensity; "heightened interest"
means(verb) become more extreme; "The tension heightened"
heighten, rise
means(verb) give a boost to; be beneficial to; "The tax cut will boost the economy"
means(verb) make more intense, stronger, or more marked; "The efforts were intensified", "Her rudeness intensified his dislike for her"; "Pot smokers claim it heightens their awareness"; "This event only deepened my convictions"
heighten, compound, intensify, deepen
means(verb) increase the volume of; "amplify sound"
means(verb) exaggerate or make bigger; "The charges were inflated"
inflate, blow up, amplify, expand
means(verb) increase or raise; "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"
supercharge, advance, boost
means(verb) add details to
aggrandize, embellish, blow up, lard, dramatise, dramatize, aggrandise, embroider, pad
means(verb) raise the level or amount of something; "raise my salary"; "raise the price of bread"
means(verb) have an increased effect; "This adds to my worries"
add to
means(verb) become bigger or greater in amount; "The amount of work increased"
means(verb) to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth; "tended to romanticize and exaggerate this `gracious Old South' imagery"
overstate, exaggerate, hyperbolise, hyperbolize, amplify, overdraw, magnify
means(verb) raise; "up the ante"


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