e/Argan oil

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has glosseng: Argan oil is an oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree, endemic to Morocco, that is valued for its nutritive, cosmetic and numerous medicinal properties. The tree, a relict species from the Tertiary age, is extremely well adapted to drought and other environmentally difficult conditions of southwestern Morocco. The species Argania once covered North Africa and is now endangered and under protection of UNESCO. The Argan tree grows wild in semi-desert soil, its deep root system helping to protect against soil erosion and the northern advance of the Sahara. This biosphere reserve, the Arganeraie Biosphere Reserve, covers a vast intramontane plain of more than 2,560,000 hectares, bordered by the High Atlas and Anti-Atlas Mountains and open to the Atlantic in the west. Argan oil remains one of the rarest oils in the world due the small and very specific growing area.
lexicalizationeng: argan oil
instance ofe/Vegetable fats and oils
has glossara: * خصائص الزيت الخاص بالطعام إن لهذا الزيت طعم يجمع بين طعمي اللوز والبندق، وله فوائد عديدة على مسوى النسيج الضام وضبط مسوى الكولسترول بالجسم.
lexicalizationara: زيت الأركان
has glossdeu: Das Arganöl (auch Arganenöl) wird aus der Frucht des Arganbaums gewonnen. Es findet Anwendung in der Gastronomie und Kosmetik und zeichnet sich durch seine goldene Farbe, seinen intensiven Geruch und einen hohen Gehalt von Tocopherolen (Vitamin E) aus.
lexicalizationdeu: Arganöl
has glossfra: Lhuile dargan (ou dargane) est tirée de larganier, arbre endémique du Maroc, présent essentiellement au sud-ouest du pays entre Agadir, Essaouira et Taroudant. Elle est très utilisée dans la cuisine traditionnelle de cette région. Riche en vitamine E, en antioxydants, elle est aussi utilisée pour ses propriétés cosmétiques.
lexicalizationfra: Huile D'argan
has glossnld: Arganolie is plantaardige olie die wordt gewonnen uit pitten van vruchten die aan de arganboom, Argania Spinosa, groeien.
lexicalizationnld: arganolie
has glossnor: Arganolje er en vegetabilsk olje som fremstilles av fruktene til argantreet. Oljen brukes både til matlaging, kosmetikk og naturmedisin.
lexicalizationnor: Arganolje
has glosspol: Olej arganowy – olej wytwarzany z owoców arganii żelaznej.
lexicalizationpol: Olej arganowy
has glossswe: Arganolja är en gul vegetabilisk olja som görs av arganfruktens frön.
lexicalizationswe: arganolja
media:imgArgane oil production.jpg
media:imgArgania spinosa.jpg
media:imgEssaouira Arganier 1063.JPG
media:imgEssaouira arganier (3) 1142.JPG
media:imgEssaouira arganier fruit (1) 1266.JPG
media:imgEssaouira arganier fruit (2) 1270.JPG
media:imgPlantation arganier Luc Viatour.JPG


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