e/Band society

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has glosseng: A band society is the simplest form of human society. A band generally consists of a small kin group, no larger than an extended family or clan; it has been defined as consisting of no more than 30 to 50 individuals.
has glosseng: In anthropology, bands are the tiniest societies, consisting typically of 5-80 people, most or all of them close relatives by birth or by marriage. In effect, a band is an extended family or several related extended families. Today, autonomous bands are almost confined to the most remote parts of New Guinea and Amazonia, but there were many others that have only recently fallen under state control or been assimilated or exterminated. They include many or most African Pygmies, southern African San hunter-gatherers (so-called Bushmen), Aboriginal Australians, Eskimos (Inuit), and Native Americans of some resource-poor areas of the Americas such as Tierra del Fuego and the northern boreal forests; all these modern bands are or were nomadic hunter-gatherers rather than settled food producers. Until at least 40,000 years ago, probably all humans lived in bands, and most still did as recently as 11,000 years ago.
lexicalizationeng: Band society
lexicalizationeng: band
instance ofe/Social group
has glosscat: Les bandes representen un tipus dorganització social humana i consisteixen dun número reduït de nuclis familiars o subgrups afiliats, organitzats per causes de subsistència i de seguretat.
lexicalizationcat: banda
has glossfin: Ryhmä on kansatieteessä noin 30–50:n, enintään alle sadan samansukuisen ihmisen joukko. Se on yleensä klaani tai laajennettu perhe. Joskus pygmien ja bushmannien kaltaisilla kiertelevillä metsästäjä-keräilijöillä on ryhmiin perustuva yhteiskunta. Ryhmän jäsenet ovat yleensä tasa-arvoisia, mutta ryhmässä saattaa olla erikoistunut shamaani ja suurmies big man. Ryhmän käsitteen esitteli kulttuuriantropologi Elman Service, jonka mielestä ryhmä on pienin ihmisyhteisö.
lexicalizationfin: Ryhmä
has glossita: Una banda è la forma più elementare di società umana.
lexicalizationita: banda
has glossspa: Las bandas son un tipo de organización social humana que consisten de un reducido número de núcleos familiares o subgrupos afines, organizados sin excesivo rigor para finalidades de subsistencia o seguridad recíprocas.
lexicalizationspa: Banda


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