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has glosseng: Going barefoot (also barefooted) means for a person not to use, or to go without, any type of foot protection. It is traditional to go barefoot in many developing countries, but less common in industrialized countries for various reasons including societal taboos, health risks, inclement climate, fashions, and peer pressure against going barefoot. A barefooter is someone who prefers to go barefoot occasionally, often, or at all times. Calling oneself a barefooter implies that being barefoot is a voluntary choice (as opposed to, for example, not being able to afford shoes), or whenever use of footwear is decided to be unnecessary. Reasons for choosing to go barefoot include the sensation of one’s feet in direct contact with the ground, and to confirm many perceived spiritual or natural health benefits one may experience.
lexicalizationeng: Bare foot
lexicalizationeng: Barefootedness
lexicalizationeng: barefoot
instance of(noun) people sharing some social relation
social group
has glossdeu: Barfüßigkeit oder Bloßfüßigkeit bedeutet ohne Fußbekleidung (altertümlich: „baren Fußes“, „bloßen Fußes“), also ohne Schuhe und Strümpfe zu gehen.
lexicalizationdeu: Barfüßigkeit
has glossfra: Être pieds nus est une forme de nudité partielle dans laquelle les pieds ne sont pas protégés par des chaussures.
lexicalizationfra: pieds nus
has glossita: Con il termine Barefoot si intende il movimento, nato in Nuova Zelanda, dove è oramai diffusissimo, e quindi diffusosi negli Stati Uniti ed in Europa (sicuramente più diffusa nel settentrione che nei paesi mediterranei), di individui che scelgono come stile di vita quello di non indossare calzature durante le attività quotidiane, camminando solo a piedi nudi. Da qui, è chiamata "barefooting" o "gymnopodismo" o, con termine italiano "scalzismo", la pratica di camminare senza calzature, sia su percorsi appositamente predisposti in spazi di verde pubblico, sia su percorsi naturali.
lexicalizationita: Barefoot
has glossjpn: 裸足・跣足(はだし)とは履物をはかないこと、またはその状態の足のこと。素足とも。靴を履かずに(靴下やストッキングは着用している状態で)外に出ることを「裸足」と呼ぶこともあるが、ここでは足に何も身に着けていない場合の裸足を説明する。
lexicalizationjpn: 裸足
has glossrus: Хождение босиком — ходьба без обуви и носков.
lexicalizationrus: хождение босиком
has glosszho: 赤脚,不穿鞋和袜子,原始社会的人都赤脚,现代人在某些场合也赤脚,例如在练习跆拳道,空手道,柔道和咸拳时,同时赤脚也使用在某些宗教仪式中。现在某些科学家认为赤脚有利于健康,有些则反对。
lexicalizationzho: 赤脚
media:imgBarefoot and pregnant.jpg
media:imgBarefoot child in Kibera.jpg
media:imgBarfusslaufen Stadt.jpg
media:imgBarfusspark Soell Wassertreten.jpg
media:imgBarfüßige Perdoni.jpg
media:imgErawan dance.jpg
media:imgHealthy feet.JPG
media:imgShravanbelgola Gomateshvara feet2.jpg
media:imgUdaipur girl.jpg
media:imgVoyage Pittoresque Énault - Gravure Gavarni (Jeunes filles des environs de Glasgow).jpg


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