e/Beveridge curve

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has glosseng: A Beveridge curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between unemployment and the job vacancy rate (the number of unfilled jobs expressed as a proportion of the labor force). It typically has vacancies on the vertical axis and unemployment on the horizontal; it slopes downwards as a higher rate of unemployment normally occurs with a lower rate of vacancies. If it moves outwards over time, then a given level of vacancies would be associated with higher and higher levels of unemployment, which would imply decreasing efficiency in the labour market. Inefficient labour markets are due to mismatches between available jobs and the unemployed and an immobile labour force.
lexicalizationeng: Beveridge curve
instance ofc/Economics curves
has glossdeu: Die Beveridge-Kurve (nach William Henry Beveridge) ist ein einfaches ökonomisches Modell, das a) den Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitslosigkeit und offenen Stellen zeigt und b) friktionelle und konjunkturelle Arbeitslosigkeit gegenüberstellt. Die Kurve wurde 1944 vom britischen Ökonom William Beveridge hergeleitet.
lexicalizationdeu: Beveridge-Kurve
lexicalizationdeu: Beveridgekurve
has glossfra: La courbe de Beveridge est une représentation graphique de la relation entre taux de chômage et taux de postes vacants. Elle illustre lefficacité de lappariement entre offre et demande de travail. Elle est nommée daprès léconomiste britannique William Beveridge.
lexicalizationfra: Courbe de beveridge
has glossita: La curva di Beveridge è una rappresentazione grafica del rapporto tra la disoccupazione e il tasso dei posti di lavoro vacanti
lexicalizationita: curva di Beveridge
has glosspol: Krzywa Beveridge’a (rys.1 ), nazwana tak od nazwiska brytyjskiego ekonomisty Williama Beveridge'a i opisana przez niego w latach 40., wyraża odwrotną zależność między wakatami, a wielkością bezrobocia. Wzrostowi stopy bezrobocia w okresie recesji towarzyszy spadek stopy wolnych miejsc pracy i odwrotnie.
lexicalizationpol: Krzywa Beveridge'a
media:imgEconomics beveridge curve.png


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