e/Bonded warehouse

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has glosseng: A Bonded warehouse is a warehouse in which goods on which the duties are unpaid are stored under bond and in the joint custody of the importer, or his agent, and the customs officers. It may be managed by the state or by private enterprise. In the latter case a customs bond must be posted with the government. This system exists in all developed countries of the world.
lexicalizationeng: Bonded Warehouse
instance of(noun) a storehouse for goods and merchandise
storage warehouse, warehouse
has glossron: Antrepozitul fiscal este locul, aflat sub controlul autorităţii fiscale competente, unde produsele accizabile sunt produse, transformate, deţinute, primite sau expediate în regim suspensiv, de catre antrepozitarul autorizat, în exercitiul activităţii, în anumite condiţii prevăzute de Codul fiscal român.
lexicalizationron: Antrepozit fiscal


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