e/Carolina Pascual

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has glosseng: Carolina Pascual Gracia (born June 17, 1976 in Orihuela, Alicante, Spain) was an Individual Rhythmic Gymnast. Pascual was doing ballet when at age seven her ballet teacher told her mother that her daughter had excellent qualities for Rhythmic Gymnastics. There wasn't a club in her town so, her mother drove for around an hour to get Pascual to and from training sessions at the Escuela de Competición in Murcia. Pascual later went to the Atlético Montemar in Alicante.
lexicalizationeng: Carolina Pascual
instance of(noun) a person trained to compete in sports
jock, athlete
has glossrus: Каролина Паскуаль Грация (, 17 июня 1976, Ориуэла, Аликанте, Испания) — испанская спортсменка, представляла художественную гмнастику в индивидуальных упражнениях.
lexicalizationrus: Паскуаль Грация, Каролина
has glossspa: Carolina Pascual Gracia ( Nacida el 17 de junio de 1976, en Orihuela (Alicante)) es una gimnasta española, medalla de plata en los Juegos Olímpicos de Barcelona.
lexicalizationspa: Carolina Pascual


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