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has glosseng: The Divyāvadāna, or Divine Stories, is an anthology of Buddhist tales, many originating in the Mūlasarvāstivāda vinaya texts . The stories themselves are therefore quite ancient and may be among the first Buddhist texts ever committed to writing, but this particular collection of them is not attested prior to the eighteenth century. Typically, the stories involve the Buddha explaining to a group of disciples how a particular individual, through actions in a previous life, came to have a particular karmic result in the present. A predominant theme is the vast merit (puṇya) accrued from making offerings to enlightened beings or at stupas and other holy sites related to the Buddha.
lexicalizationeng: Divyavadana
lexicalizationeng: Divyâvadâna
instance of(noun) the words of something written; "there were more than a thousand words of text"; "they handed out the printed text of the mayor's speech"; "he wants to reconstruct the original text"
text, textual matter
has glosshun: Divjávadána (Divyavadana), (szanszkritul: égi legenda), a Kr. u. II. vagy III. században keletkezett szanszkrit nyelvű buddhista legendagyűjtemény, az avadána-irodalom egyik legjelentősebb darabja. Anyagát különböző régebbi művekből (Vinaja-pitaka, Asvaghósa: Szútrálankárája) meríti. Buddha, illetve a jelentősebb buddhista szentek tetteiről szóló legendákat tartalmaz. Jelenős részét a Kr. u. III. században kínai nyelvre is lefordították.
lexicalizationhun: Divjávadána


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