e/Easter Group

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has glosseng: The Easter Group is the central of three groups of islands that make up the Houtman Abrolhos island chain. Nominally located at , it is about 20 kilometres by 12 kilometres, and consists of a number of islands including Rat Island, Wooded Island, Morley Island, Suomi Island and Alexander Island. Unlike the other groups the Easter Group has few shipwrecks.
lexicalizationeng: Easter Group
instance ofc/Archipelagoes in the Indian Ocean
has glossdeu: Die Osterinseln sind eine kleine Inselgruppe im Indischen Ozean, gelegen etwa 60 km vor der westaustralischen Küste. Sie bilden die zentrale Gruppe im Houtman-Abrolhos-Archipel.
lexicalizationdeu: Oster-Inseln
lexicalizationdeu: Osterinseln
geo locgeographic location -28.733333333333334 113.76666666666667


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