e/Endothelial progenitor cell

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has glosseng: Endothelial progenitor cells are a controversial and hypothetical population of rare cells believed to circulate in the blood with the ability to differentiate into endothelial cells, the cells that make up the lining of blood vessels. The process by which blood vessels are born de novo from endothelial progenitor cells is known as vasculogenesis. Most of vasculogenesis occurs in utero during embryologic development. Endothelial progenitor cells, if existing in adults, were therefore first believed to be angioblasts, which are the stem cells that form blood vessels during embryogenesis. Endothelial progenitor cells are hypothesized to participate in pathologic angiogenesis such as that found in retinopathy and tumor growth. While embryonic angioblasts have been known to exist for many years, adult endothelial progenitor cells were first believed to be characterized in the 1990s after Asahara and colleagues published that a purified population of CD34-expressing cells isolated from the blood of adult mice could purportedly differentiate into endothelial cells in vitro.
lexicalizationeng: endothelial progenitor cell
instance of(noun) either of two types of cells (erythrocytes and leukocytes) and sometimes including platelets
corpuscle, blood corpuscle, blood cell
has glossdeu: Endotheliale Vorläuferzellen (engl.: endothelial progenitor cells, EPCs) sind im Blutstrom zirkulierende Zellen, die aus dem Knochenmark stammen. Sie haben die Fähigkeit, zu Endothelzellen zu differenzieren, welche dann Blutgefäße an der Innenseite auskleiden. Dieser Vorgang, bei dem Blutgefäße nicht als Abzweigung eines bereits vorhandenen Gefäßes entstehen, sondern de novo, heißt Vaskulogenese. Er läuft zum überwiegenden Teil während der Embryonalentwicklung ab. Diejenigen endothelialen Vorläuferzellen, die in Erwachsenen zirkulieren, sind demnach mit Angioblasten verwandt, die die Stammzellen sind, aus denen während der Embryogenese Blutgefäße hervorgehen.
lexicalizationdeu: Endotheliale Vorläuferzelle


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