e/English District

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has glosseng: The English District is one of the 35 districts of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS). It is one of the Synod's two non-geographical districts, along with the SELC District, and has its origins in the congregations of the former English Evangelical Lutheran Synod, which merged with the LCMS in 1911. The English Synod had been formed in 1888 as the General English (Evangelical) Lutheran Conference of Missouri and Other States; it had its roots in an 1872 conference which was advised by then LCMS president C. F. W. Walther. The conference applied for admission to the LCMS as a district in 1887, but was advised to instead form a separate synod at that time . It was named the English Synod due to its churches using that language in their services; at that time, the congregations of the LCMS were still using the German language. The English Synod ultimately joined the LCMS in 1911 because of a shared doctrinal stance, but wanting to maintain its identity, it was accepted as a non-geographical district. Despite the transition of the LCMS to English, the English District has continued as a separate district.
lexicalizationeng: English District
instance ofc/Religious organizations established in 1911


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