e/Eric Borel

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has glosseng: Eric Borel (11 December 1978 – 24 September 1995) was a French student and spree killer who, at the age of 16, murdered his family in Solliès-Pont in the arrondissement of Toulon on September 23, 1995, and afterwards walked several miles to the village of Cuers where he continued his rampage the next day, shooting dead twelve other people and injuring four more, while pacing through the streets for half an hour. The shooting only ended when police arrived at the scene, whereupon Borel committed suicide.
lexicalizationeng: Eric Borel
instance of(noun) the savage and excessive killing of many people
massacre, slaughter, butchery, carnage, mass murder
has glossdeu: Der Amoklauf von Cuers ereignete sich am 23. und 24. September 1995 in den beiden französischen Gemeinden Solliès-Pont und Cuers, im Département Var. Der 16-jährige Student Eric Borel (* 11. Dezember 1978 in Pau; † 24. September 1995 in Cuers) ermordete 15 Menschen, ehe er sich selbst tötete.
lexicalizationdeu: Amoklauf von Cuers


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