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has glosseng: Fuchengmen (; Manchu: Elgiyen i mutehe duka) is the name of a gate on the western side of Beijing's city wall. The gate was torn down in the 1960s, and has been replaced by the Fuchengmen overpass on the 2nd Ring Road. Fuchengmen Station is now known as a transportation node, where a number of public buses and Line 2 of the Beijing Subway stop. The street that once passed through the gate is still named in its relation to the gate. East of Fuchengmen, it is known as Fuchengmen Inner Street because it would have been inside the wall. West of Fuchengmen, it is known as Fuchengmen Outer Street. Further west, the street becomes Fushi Road (China National Highway 109).
lexicalizationeng: Fuchengmen
instance ofc/Gates of Beijing
has glossnor: Fuchengmen (阜成门, Fùchéngmén; mandsjuisk: Elgiyen i mutehe duka) er en tidligere byport mot vest i Beijing i Kina. Gjennom den ble det gjerne transportert kull inn i byen for å møte de harde vintrene.
lexicalizationnor: Fuchengmen
has glosszho: 阜成门,原称平则门,是北京城西边的一个城门,现已被拆毁,仍作为地名使用。原城楼、箭楼形制与朝阳门相似,城楼宽31.2米,深16米,城楼连同城台通高30米。瓮城宽74米,深65米,北侧辟闸楼、券门。阜成门关帝庙位于瓮城东北角,南向。以前,阜成门是最靠近门头沟煤矿的城门,是运入冬季供暖用煤的通道。 现在是北京西二环上的一个交通节点,阜成门立交桥就建在原来城门的位置上。
lexicalizationzho: 阜成门
geo locgeographic location 39.92222222222222 116.35
media:imgBeijing Fuchengmen 1930.jpg


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