e/Hindenburg light

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has glosseng: The Hindenburg light or Hindenburglicht, was a source of lighting used in the trenches of the First World War, named after the Commander-in-Chief of the German army in World War I, Paul von Hindenburg. It was also used in World War II in air raid shelters (Luftschutzkeller) or during power cuts, and mandated black outs as emergency lighting. It is also mentioned in the novel "Stalingrad," by Theodore Plievier, as used on the Eastern Front. Also it is mentioned in "Wheels of Terror" by Sven Hassel. It was a flat bowl of approx. 5-8 cm diameter with 1-1.5 cm broad edge. It resembles the cover of Mason jar lid (Schraubglasdeckel) and was made from pasteboard. This flat bowl was filled with a wax-like fat (tallow). A short wick (Docht) in the center was lit and burned for some hours. A later model of the Hindenburglicht was a "tin can (Dosenlicht) lamp." Here, a wax-filled tin can has two wicks in a holder. If both wicks are lit, a common, broad flame (zungenfoermige Flamme) results.
lexicalizationeng: Hindenburg light
instance of(noun) stick of wax with a wick in the middle
taper, candle, wax light
has glossdeu: Das Hindenburglicht, benannt nach dem Oberkommandierenden des deutschen Heeres Paul von Hindenburg, wurde in den Schützengräben des Ersten Weltkrieges, dann aber auch im Zweiten Weltkrieg im Luftschutzkeller oder bei Stromsperre oder Verdunkelung als Notbeleuchtung eingesetzt.
lexicalizationdeu: Hindenburglicht


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