e/Home advantage

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has glosseng: Home advantage (also called home field/court/diamond/ice advantage) is an athletic competition phenomenon. In team sports, a team playing at its own stadium or arena is known as the home team. The other team is known as the visiting team or the away team, and can be said to be on the road. Teams typically play their home games in or near their home region; they will generally have half their total games at home in a season.
lexicalizationeng: home advantage
instance ofc/Terms used in multiple sports
has glossdeu: Heimspiel ist ein Begriff aus dem Sport, der als Metapher auch in anderen Zusammenhängen verwendet wird. Das Pendant zum Heimspiel ist das Auswärtsspiel.
lexicalizationdeu: Heimspiel
has glossjpn: ホームアドバンテージとは、主にスポーツで本拠地での試合を行うチーム・選手が他者に対して持つ優位のこと。ホームコートアドバンテージ、ホームフィールドアドバンテージとも呼ばれる。
lexicalizationjpn: ホームアドバンテージ
lexicalizationjpn: ホームコートアドバンテージ


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