e/Hope class starship

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has glosseng: In the Star Trek fictional universe, Starfleets Hope class is a class of starship that makes its only featured appearance in an alternate future in Star Trek: The Next Generations final episode, "All Good Things...". Hope class starships function as hospital ships and are distinguished by a large, spherical primary hull attached to the curved engineering section. One large shuttlebay is located atop the engineering hull and opens toward the vessel's stern. The sphere is covered with portholes, lifeboats and a blue rectangular navigational deflector. The warp nacelles are attached to the secondary hull by backward-angled, upward-curving pylons. The general layout resembles the earlier, 22nd century Daedalus class.
lexicalizationeng: Hope class starship
lexicalizationeng: Hope-class starship
instance ofc/Fictional spacecraft
has glossjpn: ホープ級(Hope class)は『スタートレック』シリーズに登場する架空の宇宙船。惑星連邦所属、宇宙艦隊のスターシップである。
lexicalizationjpn: ホープ級


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