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has glosseng: Khanith (, variant transcription Xanith) is a vernacular Arabic term for both standard written Arabic mukhannath and khuntha. The Arabic word Mukhannath مخنث (literally "effeminate") refers to individuals with a gender identity that is discordant with their visible sexual organs. They are characterized as "effeminate", "not clearly male," and as people who were "born as a male" and who nevertheless feel, behave, and (in most cases) dress like a female. The Arabic word Khuntha خنثى (literally "hermaphrodite") refers to intersex people.
lexicalizationeng: Khanith
instance ofc/Transgender identities
has glossdeu: Chanith , auch Khanith, im englischen meistens Xanit genannt, ist das umgangssprachliche arabische Wort für Menschen in Oman, die entweder, obwohl sie mit männlichen Geschlechtsteilen geboren wurden, die männliche Geschlechtsrolle weitgehend ablehnen (im Westen: Transgender) oder aber auch Menschen, die man im Westen als intersexuell klassifizieren würde, bei denen also die körperlichen Geschlechtsmerkmale nicht eindeutig sind.
lexicalizationdeu: Chanith
has glossheb: חנית (ערבית: خنيث‎, הגייה חלופית: "ח'ניס"; בתרגום לעברית: נשי, חסר כוח גברא, עדין) הוא כינוי במדינת עומאן לבני המגדר השלישי – מגדר אשר אינו מוגדר באופן דיכוטומי כגבר או אישה, אלא מהווה מעין הכלאה או פשרה בין שני המינים.
lexicalizationheb: ח'נית'
has glosspor: Khanith (, transcrição variante Xanith) é um termo do vernáculo árabe para ambas as escritas padrão árabe mukhannath e khuntha. A palavra árabe Mukhannath مخنث (literalmente "efeminado") refere-se a indivíduos com identidade de gênero que é discordante de seu sexo biológico. São caracterizados como "efeminados", "não claramente masculinos" e como pessoas que "nascidas como homem" e que apesar disso sentem-se, comportam-se e (em muitos casos) vestem-se como uma mulher. A palavra árabe Khuntha خنثى (literalmente "hermafrodita") refere-se a pessoas interssexuais.
lexicalizationpor: Khanith


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