e/Knot (mathematics)

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has glosseng: In mathematics, a knot is an embedding of a circle in 3-dimensional Euclidean space, R3, considered up to continuous deformations (isotopies). A crucial difference between the standard mathematical and conventional notions of a knot is that mathematical knots are closed—there are no ends to tie or untie on a mathematical knot. Physical properties such as friction and thickness also do not apply, although there are mathematical definitions of a knot that take such properties into account. The term knot is also applied to embeddings of S^j in S^n, especially in the case j=n-2. The branch of mathematics that studies knots is known as knot theory.
lexicalizationeng: Knot
instance of(noun) a line on a graph representing data
has glossita: In matematica, e più precisamente in topologia, un nodo è una curva semplice chiusa nello spazio tridimensionale. Questo oggetto matematico modellizza un nodo di corda molto fine, i cui estremi sono stati incollati.
lexicalizationita: nodo
has glosslit: Matematikoje mazgas yra tolydžiai deformuoto apskritimo atvaizdavimas trimatėje Euklidinėje erdvėje - R3. Pagrindinis skirtumas tarp matematinio ir tradicinio mazgo sąvokų yra tas, kad matematinis mazgas yra uždaras - jis neturi galų, todėl jo neįmanoma išpainioti. Fizinės ypatybės, tokios kaip trintis ir storis, netaikomos, nors pagal kai kurias matematinio mazgo sąvokos į minėtas ypatybes atsižvelgiama. Matematikos šaka, nagrinėjanti mazgus vadinama mazgų teorija.
lexicalizationlit: mazgas
has glossnld: In de knopentheorie, een deelgebied van de topologie, is een knoop een continue vervorming (isotopie) van een cirkel die ingebed is in de driedimensionale Euclidische ruimte R3. De cirkel zelf is de triviale knoop, met kruisingsgetal nul.
lexicalizationnld: knoop
has glosspol: Węzeł (ang. knot) w matematycznej teorii węzłów, będącej działem topologii, to dowolna krzywa zwykła zamknięta zanurzona w R3.
lexicalizationpol: węzeł
has glosspor: Em topologia, um nó é uma curva simples fechada no espaço.
lexicalizationrus: Узел
has glossspa: En matemáticas, y más concretamente en topología, un nudo es una clase de equivalencia de encajes de la circunferencia ( S1= x ε R2 : |x|=1 } ) en R3 o en la tres esfera S3.
lexicalizationspa: nudo
media:imgCircle - black simple.svg
media:imgExample of Knots.jpg
media:imgFig8 knot rp.png
media:imgKnot table.svg
media:imgKnot with borromean rings in jsj decomp small.png
media:imgKnot's multiplication 2.jpg
media:imgKnots eight shamrock.jpg
media:imgNodi figura 1.png
media:imgUntying a knot.svg
media:imgWild knot.svg


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