e/Laibacher Zeitung

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has glosseng: Laibacher Zeitung was the most influential and read newspaper in Ljubljana in the 18th and 19th century. It was written in German and published daily from 1778 till 1918. In its first period, it was published with a supplement Intelligenzblatt aimed at spreading knowledge among the general public. Since 1804, it was published with a supplement Wochenblatt zum Nutzen und Vergnügen, replaced in 1818 by the supplement Illyrisches Blatt, which was then published till 1849. Illyrisches Blatt was the center of Slovene cultural creativity. Its contributors were the Slovene national poet France Prešeren and other influential Slovene intellectuals such as Matija Čop, Miha Kastelic, Franc Malavašič and Janez Bleiweis.
lexicalizationeng: Laibacher Zeitung
instance ofc/Newspapers
media:imgLaibacher Zeitung.jpg


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