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has glosseng: Mac Flecknoe (full title: Mac Flecknoe; or, A satyr upon the True-Blew-Protestant Poet, T.S. ) is a verse mock-heroic satire written by John Dryden. Written after the English Restoration, when King Charles II came to power, Mac Flecknoe is full of satire and criticism. It is a direct attack on Thomas Shadwell, another prominent poet of the time.
lexicalizationeng: Mac Flecknoe
lexicalizationeng: MacFlecknoe
instance of(noun) a composition written in metrical feet forming rhythmical lines
poem, verse form
has glossfra: MacFlecknoe est un poème satirique écrit par lauteur anglais John Dryden en 1682, au cours de la Restauration anglaise et sous le règne de Charles II dAngleterre. Lœuvre constitue une attaque directe contre Thomas Shadwell, un autre poète renommé de lépoque.
lexicalizationfra: Mac Flecknoe
lexicalizationfra: Macflecknoe


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