e/Montalivet Islands

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has glosseng: East Montalivet Island and West Montalivet Island are islands off the north west coast of Australia, in the state of Western Australia, in the Indian Ocean. They are often referred to together as the Montlivet Islands although this is not a gazetted name.
lexicalizationeng: Montalivet Islands
instance ofc/Archipelagoes in the Indian Ocean
has glossfra: Les îles Montalivet se situent sur la côte nord-ouest de lAustralie, dans lÉtat dAustralie-Occidentale. Elles sont baignées par locéan Indien.
lexicalizationfra: Iles Montalivet
lexicalizationfra: Îles Montalivet
geo locgeographic location -14.283333333333333 125.25


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