e/Native American long house

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has glosseng: Longhouses were built by native peoples in various parts of North America, sometimes reaching over but generally around wide. The construction method was also different: the dominant theory is that walls were made of sharpened and fire-hardened poles (up to 1,000 saplings for a house) driven into the ground and had a roof of leaves and grass. Strips of bark were then woven horizontally through the lines of poles to form more or less weatherproof walls with doors usually in one end of the house, although doors also were built into sides of especially long longhouses. They were long and had fireplaces that kept them warm.
lexicalizationeng: Native American long house
lexicalizationeng: Native American longhouse
instance ofc/House styles
has glossfra: Une maison longue amérindienne (en anglais : Native American longhouse) est une habitation traditionnelle des Amérindiens d'Amérique du Nord.
lexicalizationfra: Maison longue amérindienne
media:imgIroquois longhouse.jpg
media:imgLong House Iroquois Allen.jpg
media:imgMaison longue-île Grosbois.jpg
media:imgPowhatan john smith map.jpg


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