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has glosseng: The Nauset tribe, sometimes referred to as the Cape Cod Indians lived in what is present-day Cape Cod, Massachusetts, living east of Bass River and lands occupied by their closely related neighbours, the Wampanoag. Although a distinct tribe, they were often subject to Wampanoag overlordship and shared many similar aspects of culture, such as speaking an N-dialect of Algonquian language and similar agricultural practices. Due to their ocean proximity, they had a greater reliance on seafood than other tribes. The tribe was one of the first to be visited by Western seafarers, whose abduction of tribal members for slavery and introduction of diseases greatly reduced Nauset even before large-scale colonization of New England. The pilgrims encountered the Nauset during their landing near present-day Provincetown, MA, where the Nauset, weary of foreigners, tried to resist. The pilgrims are also noted for stealing maize from Nauset graves they encountered, further fuelling tensions between the two groups .
lexicalizationeng: Nauset
instance ofe/Algonquian peoples
lexicalizationcat: nauset
has glossdeu: Die Nauset waren Algonkin sprechende Indianer des östlichen Nordamerikas, die früher die Halbinsel Cape Cod im Südosten von Massachusetts bewohnten. Sie waren eng mit den Wampanoag, Narraganset und Niantic verwandt und ihre Kultur und Lebensweise unterschied sich kaum von der ihrer Nachbarn, mit Ausnahme ihrer stärkeren Abhängigkeit von Meeresfrüchten. Ihre Identität ist heute erloschen, da sich die letzten Stammesangehörigen im 18. Jahrhundert mit anderen Gruppen mischten.
lexicalizationdeu: Nauset
has glosshrv: Nauset, pleme američkih Indijanaca porodice Algonquian nastanjeno na Cape Codu u Massachusettsu. Speck (1928) među njima razlikuje lokalne skupine Iyanough, Wiananno ili Hyannis (oko Barnstablea); Manomoy ili Monomoy (oko Chathama) i Nauset vlastiti (od Easthama do Truroa) koje su imale 23 sela. Nauseti u kontakt sa Europljanima imaju veoma rano, a Samuel de Champlain ima susret sa njima još 1606. Subsistencija im je ovisila, smatra se, ponajviše od ribolova, ali su također uzgajali kukuruz i grah. Nauseti bili polusjedilački narod koje su na sezonske pokrete između utvrđenih naselja bili prisiljavani sezonskim promjenama hranidbenih resursa. -Premda isprva neprijateljski raspoložebni prema kolonistima iz Plymoutha, kasnije postaju njihovi prijatelji, pa izgladnjele koloniste 1622. opskrbljuju hranom.
lexicalizationhrv: Nauset
has glosslav: Nauseti (pazīstami arī kā Keipkoda indiāņi) ir Ziemeļamerikas indiāņu cilts, kas 17. gs. sākumā apdzīvoja Keipkodu tag. Masačūsetsas štata austrumos.
lexicalizationlav: nauseti
lexicalizationspa: nauset
media:imgCape Cod.jpg
media:imgTribal Territories Southern New England.png
media:imgWohngebiet Südneuengland.png


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