e/PTV (episode)

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has glosseng: "PTV" is the fourteenth episode of season four of the FOX animated series Family Guy. It was written by Alec Sulkin and Wellesley Wild and directed by Dan Povenmire. In the episode, Peter starts his own television channel, after the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) starts to censor television. After the FCC forces Peter to stop broadcasting Peter claims that they can not stop people from being who they are, as a result, the FCC starts censoring their lives.
lexicalizationeng: PTV
instance of(noun) a part of a broadcast serial
instalment, episode, installment
has glosspol: "PTV" to nominowany do nagrody Emmy, siedemnasty odcinek czwartego sezonu serialu animowanego Głowa rodziny. Poświęcony jest cenzurze w telewizji.
lexicalizationpol: PTV
has glossrus: PTV («Пи-ТВ») — четырнадцатая серия четвёртого сезона мультсериала «Гриффины». Премьерный показ состоялся 6 ноября 2005 года на канале FOX.
lexicalizationrus: PTV
has glossspa: PTV es un episodio de la quinta temporada de la serie de dibujos animados de FOX Padre de familia. Ha sido nominado a los premios Emmy. Código de producción 4ACX17.
lexicalizationspa: PTV
media:imgDan Povenmire Comic-Con 2009.jpg


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