e/Pallet rack

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has glosseng: Pallet racking, ” is a material handling storage aid system designed to store materials on pallets (or “skids”). Although there are many varieties of pallet rack, all types allow for the storage of palletized materials in horizontal rows with multiple levels. All types of pallet rack create some level of increase storage density with the least dense being the least expensive and cost increasing with storage denisity. Selective rack is the least dense at a cost of about $50–$70 per pallet position up to gravity flow pallet rack which can cost $250 –$400 per pallet position. Forklift trucks are usually an integral part of any pallet rack system as they are usually required to place the loaded pallets onto the racks for storage. Pallet racks are an essential and ubiquitous element in most modern warehouses, manufacturing facilities, retail centers, and other storage and distribution facilities.
lexicalizationeng: pallet rack
instance of(noun) a storehouse for goods and merchandise
storage warehouse, warehouse
has glossces: Paletové regály jsou regály používané v logistice pro uložení palet se zbožím.
lexicalizationces: paletové regály
has glossnld: | |- | |} Een stellingkast, vaak magazijnstelling of kortweg stelling genoemd, is een systeem om goederen op te slaan die worden vervoerd en opgeslagen op pallets, in bundels of per stuk.
lexicalizationnld: stellingkast
media:imgPallet racks.jpg


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