e/Soil conditioner

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has glosseng: A soil conditioner, also called a soil amendment, is a material added to soil to improve plant growth and health. The type of conditioner added depends on the current soil composition, climate, and the type of plant. Some soils lack nutrients necessary for proper plant growth and others hold too much or too little water. A conditioner or a combination of conditioners corrects the soil's deficiencies. Lime is used to make soil less acidic, as is lime-containing crushed stone. Fertilizers, such as peat, manure, anaerobic digestate or compost add depleted plant nutrients. Materials such as diatomaceous earth, clay, vermiculite, hydrogel, and shredded bark will make soil hold more water. Gypsum releases nutrients and improves soil structure. Sometimes a soil inoculant is added for legumes.
lexicalizationeng: Soil conditioner
instance ofc/Soil improvers
has glossfin: Maanparannus on kasvintuotantoon ja metsätalouteen liittyvä menetelmä, jolla yritetään parantaa maaperän ominaisuuksia siten, että kasvit kasvaisivat siinä paremmin. Yleisimmät menetelmät ovat lannoitus ja kalkitus. On olemassa myös maanparannuskasveja. Esimerkiksi valkoapila siirtää maahan paljon typpeä, joka on yksi kasvien tarvitsemasta perusravinteista.
lexicalizationfin: maanparannus
media:imgForest fertilizer.JPG


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