e/Sulfur dye

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has glosseng: Sulfur dyes are the most commonly used dyes manufactured for cotton in terms of volume. They are cheap, generally have good wash-fastness and are easy to apply. The dyes are absorbed by cotton from a bath containing sodium sulfide or sodium hydrosulfite and are made insoluble within the fiber by oxidation. During this process these dyes form complex larger molecules which is the basis of their good wash-fastness.
lexicalizationeng: sulfur dye
instance of(noun) an abundant tasteless odorless multivalent nonmetallic element; best known in yellow crystals; occurs in many sulphide and sulphate minerals and even in native form (especially in volcanic regions)
S, sulphur, atomic number 16, sulfur
has glossara: الأصبغة الكبريتية : هي أصبغة غير منحلة في الماء تستخدم الصباغة، وهي مثل أصبغة الحلة ولكنها أرخص. تستخدم خصيصا للحصول على الألوان الباهتة بطريقة اقتصادية. وتستخدم خصيصا لصباغة الألياف السيلولوزية.
lexicalizationara: صباغ كبريتي
has glossfra: Les colorants au soufre sont des colorants insolubles utilisés en teinturerie, comme les colorants de cuve, mais nettement meilleur marché. Ils servent principalement à obtenir des nuances plutôt ternes et foncées (bordeaux, vert bouteille, marine, noir) de façon assez économique.
lexicalizationfra: Colorant au soufre
has glosszho: 硫化染料,又称含硫染料,是有机物经硫或多硫化物的硫化作用而形成的结构复杂的一类含硫染料。
lexicalizationzho: 硫化染料


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