e/Trade unions in Switzerland

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has glosseng: Compared with other Western European countries, Trade unions play a rather minor role in Switzerland with only every fourth employee organized in a union or confederation. The most important organization is the Swiss Trade Union Confederation (SGB or USS) with approximately 385,000 members and 16 individual trade unions. Unia is the largest of these with 200,000 members. It merged with the Trade union for Construction and Industry (GBI), the Trade Union for Industry, Trade and Services (SMUV), the VHTL, and actions in 2004. The second largest confederation is Travail.Suisse, which was founded in 2002 in Berne and has approximately 170,000 members.
lexicalizationeng: Trade unions in Switzerland
subclass of(noun) an organization of employees formed to bargain with the employer; "you have to join the union in order to get a job"
brotherhood, trades union, trade union, labor union, union
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lexicalizationdeu: Gewerkschaft
lexicalizationdeu: Liste von Gewerkschaften in der Schweiz
lexicalizationfra: Syndicat suisse
lexicalizationita: Sindacati svizzeri
lexicalizationnld: Zwitserse vakbond


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