e/Vicks Sinex

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has glosseng: Vicks Sinex is a brand of topical nasal decongestant spray produced by Vicks, a division of Procter & Gamble. The active ingredient contained in the Sinex nasal spray is Oxymetazoline which acts to relieve blocked nasal passages. The recommended dosage is 1–2 sprays in each nostril every 6–8 hours. Excessive use of this product could lead to a dependency on it whereby the nasal passages block without use of Oxymetazoline again. Thus it is not recommended that Sinex be used for more than seven days. Extra ingredients include camphor, eucalyptol, and menthol, which give Sinex Nasal Spray products the characteristic aroma of Vicks products.
lexicalizationeng: Vicks Sinex
instance of(noun) a drug that decreases pulmonary congestion


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