e/Wall of Shame

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has glosseng: "Wall of Shame" is originally a term used by western politicians and media to refer to the Berlin Wall, and more generally a negative term for a separation barrier that, in the opinion of those using term, brings shame upon the builders or others. In some cases, it is the circumstances of the wall's construction or its intended purpose that is fingered as bringing dishonor. In other cases, a collection of photographs or names is posted on the wall, for the purpose of shaming those listed there, or the actions or situations depicted or described. The term may also be used to refer to a published collection of names or photographs (such a newspaper column or web page) which follows this convention.
lexicalizationeng: Wall of shame
instance of(noun) an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"
has glossdeu: Schandmauer war ein vom West-Berliner Senat bis Ende der 1960er Jahre offiziell gebrauchter Dysphemismus für die Berliner Mauer. Er wurde erstmals von Willy Brandt verwendet.
lexicalizationdeu: Schandmauer
has glossita: "Muro della vergogna" è un termine usato per definire alcuni muri o vere e proprie barriere fisiche che, sotto aspetti diversi e per diverse motivazioni, abbiano portato vergogna a coloro i quali ne hanno programmato la costruzione o ai popoli che ne hanno sofferto le conseguenze. In alcuni casi sono le circostanze nelle quali il muro è stato costruito, o lo scopo della sua costruzione, a essere causa di vergogna.
lexicalizationita: Muro della vergogna
has glossnld: De term muur van schande (Engels: Wall of Shame) is een term die gebruikt wordt voor muren of barrières die de bouwers schande aandoen of die door de bouwers bedoeld zijn om anderen te schande te maken. Deze term wordt vrijwel uitsluitend door tegenstanders van dergelijke muren gebruikt.
lexicalizationnld: muur van schande
has glossnor: Skammens mur (tysk: Schandmauer) var en dysfemisme som ble brukt av Berlins senat, dvs. den daværende regjeringen i Vest-Berlin, om Berlinmuren. Betegnelsen ble første gang brukt av Willy Brandt, og var i offisiell bruk til slutten av 1960-tallet.
lexicalizationnor: skammens mur
has glosspor: O termo Muro da vergonha é usado informalmente para descrever muros ou muralhas que envergonham os seus construtores ou que são projetados para envergonhar outrem. São muros construídos para impedir ou dificultar a passagem de pessoas entre países ou regiões caracterizadas por desequilíbrios de algum tipo: econômico, militar, ideológico, etc.
lexicalizationpor: Muro da vergonha
has glossspa: El término "Muro de la Vergüenza" es el apelativo con el que sus detractores han bautizado varios muros fronterizos construidos en los siglos XX y XXI. El término se utiliza de manera variada, con grados muy variables de aceptación, para avergonzar a sus constructores o para describir la vergüenza que sufren los afectados por la erección del muro.
lexicalizationspa: Muro de la Verguenza
lexicalizationspa: Muro de la Vergüenza
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media:imgGedenktafel Olga Segler.jpg
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