e/Women's Professional Billiard Association

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has glosseng: The WPBA is a professional womens billiards tour based in the United States. It was originally founded in 1976 as the Womens Professional Billiard Alliance by players Madelyn Whitlow and Palmer Byrd, as well as Larry Miller (editor of the National Billiard News).
lexicalizationeng: Women's Professional Billiard Association
lexicalizationeng: Womens Professional Billiard Association
lexicalizationeng: Womens' Professional Billiard Association
instance ofc/Pool organizations
has glossdeu: Die Women’s Professional Billiard Association (kurz: WPBA) ist der führende Verband für Damen-Poolbillard. Gegründet wurde die WPBA 1976, damals noch unter dem Namen Women’s Professional Billiard Alliance, von den Spielerinnen Madelyn Whitlow und Palmer Byrd sowie Larry Miller (Herausgeber der National Billiard News). Derzeitige Präsidentin ist Linda Chen.
lexicalizationdeu: Women’s Professional Billiard Association


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