ell: πηδώ

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/ell/%CF%80%CE%B7%CE%B4%CF%8E
means(verb) get up on the back of; "mount a horse"
mount, mount up, get on, climb on, bestride, hop on, jump on
means(verb) move quickly from one place to another
means(verb) jump lightly
skip, hop-skip, hop
means(verb) move or jump suddenly, as if in surprise or alarm; "She startled when I walked into the room"
start, jump, startle
means(verb) make a jump forward or upward
means(verb) move forward by leaps and bounds; "The horse bounded across the meadow"; "The child leapt across the puddle"; "Can you jump over the fence?"
spring, bound, leap, jump


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