eng: knowing

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/knowing
means(noun) a clear and certain mental apprehension
means(adjective) evidencing the possession of inside information
knowing, wise to, wise
means(adjective) characterized by conscious design or purpose; "intentional damage"; "a knowing attempt to defraud"; "a willful waste of time"
knowing, intentional
means(adjective) alert and fully informed; "a knowing collector of rare books"; "surprisingly knowledgeable about what was going on"
knowledgeable, knowing
means(adjective) highly educated; having extensive information or understanding; "knowing instructors"; "a knowledgeable critic"; "a knowledgeable audience"
knowing, well-read, knowledgeable, learned, well-educated, lettered


Word: (case sensitive)
Language: (ISO 639-3 code, e.g. "eng" for English)

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