eng: schtik

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/schtik
means(noun) (Yiddish) a little; a piece; "give him a shtik cake"; "he's a shtik crazy"; "he played a shtik Beethoven"
shtick, schtik, schtick, shtik
means(noun) (Yiddish) a contrived and often used bit of business that a performer uses to steal attention; "play it straight with no shtik"
schtick, shtik, shtick, schtik
means(noun) (Yiddish) a prank or piece of clowning; "his shtik made us laugh"
shtick, schtik, schtick, shtik
means(noun) (Yiddish) a devious trick; a bit of cheating; "how did you ever fall for a shtik like that?"
schtick, shtik, shtick, schtik


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