eng: throwaway

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/eng/throwaway
means(noun) (sometimes offensive) a homeless boy who has been abandoned and roams the streets
gamin, street arab, throwaway
means(noun) an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution; "he mailed the circular to all subscribers"
broadsheet, throwaway, handbill, broadside, bill, circular, flyer, flier
means(noun) words spoken in a casual way with conscious under-emphasis
means(adjective) thrown away; "wearing someone's cast-off clothes"; "throwaway children living on the streets"; "salvaged some thrown-away furniture"
thrown-away, cast-off, throwaway, discarded
means(adjective) intended to be thrown away after use; "throwaway diapers"


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