epo: decido

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/epo/decido
means(noun) a position or opinion or judgment reached after consideration; "a decision unfavorable to the opposition"; "his conclusion took the evidence into account"; "satisfied with the panel's determination"
decision, conclusion, determination
means(noun) the act of making up your mind about something; "the burden of decision was his"; "he drew his conclusions quickly"
conclusion, decision, determination
means(noun) the cognitive process of reaching a decision; "a good executive must be good at decision making"
deciding, decision making
means(noun) the trait of resoluteness as evidenced by firmness of character or purpose; "a man of unusual decisiveness"
decision, decisiveness
means(noun) the outcome of a game or contest; "the team dropped three decisions in a row"
means(noun) the reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself)
opinion, ruling
meanse/European union decision


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