fra: salut

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means(noun) an acknowledgment or expression of goodwill at parting
word of farewell, farewell
means(noun) a farewell remark; "they said their good-byes"
good day, adieu, bye-bye, bye, auf wiedersehen, adios, goodby, au revoir, cheerio, so long, sayonara, good-by, arrivederci, goodbye, good-bye
means(noun) recovery or preservation from loss or danger; "work is the deliverance of mankind"; "a surgeon's job is the saving of lives"
delivery, saving, deliverance, rescue
means(noun) (usually plural) an acknowledgment or expression of good will (especially on meeting)
salutation, greeting
means(noun) an act of greeting with friendly words and gestures like bowing or lifting the hat
means(noun) a formal military gesture of respect
military greeting, salute


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