fra: saoul

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means(adjective) given to or marked by the consumption of alcohol; "a bibulous fellow"; "a bibulous evening"; "his boozy drinking companions"; "thick boozy singing"; "a drunken binge"; "two drunken gentlemen holding each other up"; "sottish behavior"
bibulous, sottish, drunken, boozy
means(adjective) very drunk
crocked, sozzled, blind drunk, slopped, fuddled, plastered, smashed, pissed, squiffy, besotted, wet, stiff, soused, loaded, sloshed, cockeyed, blotto, tight, soaked, pixilated, pie-eyed
means(adjective) stupefied or excited by a chemical substance (especially alcohol); "a noisy crowd of intoxicated sailors"; "helplessly inebriated"
intoxicated, drunk, inebriated


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