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means(noun) total destruction; "bomb tests resulted in the annihilation of the atoll"
annihilation, disintegration
means(noun) the act of demolishing
means(noun) the act of exterminating
liquidation, extermination
means(noun) the complete destruction of every trace of something
obliteration, eradication
means(noun) destruction by annihilating something
annihilation, obliteration
means(noun) the termination of something by causing so much damage to it that it cannot be repaired or no longer exists
devastation, destruction
means(noun) an event (or the result of an event) that completely destroys something
demolition, wipeout, destruction
means(noun) destroying or killing a large part of the population (literally every tenth person as chosen by lot)
means(noun) complete annihilation; "they think a meteor cause the extinction of the dinosaurs"
extinction, extermination
means(noun) the act of extinguishing; causing to stop burning; "the extinction of the lights"
quenching, extinguishing, extinction
means(verb) destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted" "root out corruption"
eradicate, uproot, root out, extirpate, exterminate
means(verb) wipe out digitally or magnetically recorded information; "Who erased the files form my hard disk?"
erase, delete
means(verb) kill one in every ten, as of mutineers in Roman armies
means(verb) destroy completely; "the wrecking ball demolished the building"; "demolish your enemies"; "pulverize the rebellion before it gets out of hand"
pulverise, pulverize, demolish
means(verb) terminate, end, or take out; "Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics"; "Socialism extinguished these archaic customs"; "eliminate my debts"
eliminate, extinguish, do away with, get rid of
means(verb) destroy completely; "Fire had devoured our home"
means(verb) kill en masse; kill on a large scale; kill many; "Hitler wanted to exterminate the Jews, Gypsies, Communists, and homosexuals of Europe"
exterminate, kill off
means(verb) kill in large numbers; "the plague wiped out an entire population"
extinguish, eradicate, eliminate, wipe out, carry off, annihilate, decimate
means(verb) remove from memory or existence; "The Turks erased the Armenians in 1915"
wipe out, erase
means(verb) cause extensive destruction or ruin utterly; "The enemy lay waste to the countryside after the invasion"
waste, lay waste to, ravage, desolate, scourge, devastate
means(verb) get rid of (someone who may be a threat) by killing; "The mafia liquidated the informer"; "the double agent was neutralized"
neutralise, liquidate, do in, waste, neutralize, knock off
means(verb) destroy completely; damage irreparably; "You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up"
ruin, destroy
means(verb) smash or break forcefully; "The kid busted up the car"
wreck, bust up, wrack


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