hye: շնչել

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/hye/%D5%B7%D5%B6%D5%B9%D5%A5%D5%AC
means(verb) heave or utter a sigh; breathe deeply and heavily; "She sighed sadly"
sigh, suspire
means(verb) draw in (air); "Inhale deeply"; "inhale the fresh mountain air"; "The patient has trouble inspiring"; "The lung cancer patient cannot inspire air very well"
inhale, inspire, breathe in
means(verb) draw air into, and expel out of, the lungs; "I can breathe better when the air is clean"; "The patient is respiring"
take a breath, respire, breathe, suspire
means(verb) breathe easily again, as after exertion or anxiety


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