ita: destino

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means(noun) the ultimate agency regarded as predetermining the course of events (often personified as a woman); "we are helpless in the face of destiny"
destiny, fate
means(noun) an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future
destiny, fate
means(noun) an unpleasant or disastrous destiny; "everyone was aware of the approaching doom but was helpless to avoid it"; "that's unfortunate but it isn't the end of the world"
doom, doomsday, end of the world, day of reckoning
means(noun) your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you); "whatever my fortune may be"; "deserved a better fate"; "has a happy lot"; "the luck of the Irish"; "a victim of circumstances"; "success that was her portion"
fortune, circumstances, luck, portion, fate, destiny, lot


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