ita: solitario

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means(noun) a card game played by one person
patience, solitaire
means(adjective) being the only one; single and isolated from others; "the lone doctor in the entire county"; "a lonesome pine"; "an only child"; "the sole heir"; "the sole example"; "a solitary instance of cowardice"; "a solitary speck in the sky"
sole, only, lonesome, lone, solitary
means(adjective) characterized by or preferring solitude; "a lone wolf"; "a lonely existence"; "a man of a solitary disposition"; "a solitary walk"
solitary, lone, lonely
means(adjective) devoid of creatures; "a lonely crossroads"; "a solitary retreat"; "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake"
solitary, unfrequented, lonely
means(adjective) providing privacy or seclusion; "the cloistered academic world of books"; "sat close together in the sequestered pergola"; "sitting under the reclusive calm of a shade tree"; "a secluded romantic spot"
sequestered, cloistered, secluded, reclusive


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