por: aliviar

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has URIhttp://lexvo.org/id/term/por/aliviar
means(verb) lessen the intensity of or calm; "The news eased my conscience"; "still the fears"
allay, relieve, still, ease
means(verb) give moral or emotional strength to
soothe, console, comfort, solace
means(verb) provide physical relief, as from pain; "This pill will relieve your headaches"
assuage, palliate, alleviate, relieve
means(verb) make easier; "you could facilitate the process by sharing your knowledge"
ease, facilitate, alleviate
means(verb) lessen pain or discomfort; alleviate; "ease the pain in your legs"
ease, comfort
means(verb) satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst"
quench, allay, assuage, slake
means(verb) cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of; "She managed to mollify the angry customer"
lenify, gentle, gruntle, conciliate, mollify, pacify, placate, appease, assuage
means(verb) discharge bad feelings or tension through verbalization


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