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has gloss(noun) someone who closely resembles a famous person (especially an actor); "he could be Gingrich's double"; "she's the very image of her mother"
double, look-alike, image
has glosseng: A look-alike is a person who closely resembles another person. In popular Western culture, a look-alike is a person who bears a close physical resemblance to a celebrity, politician or member of royalty. Many look-alikes earn a living by making guest appearances at public events or performing on television or film, playing the person they resemble. A large variety of celebrity-lookalike images can be found throughout the web, including images placed by professional agencies that offer their services.
lexicalizationeng: double
lexicalizationeng: image
lexicalizationeng: Look Alike
lexicalizationeng: look-alike
lexicalizationeng: Lookalike
subclass of(noun) a human being; "there was too much for one person to do"
individual, mortal, someone, soul, person, somebody
has subclass(noun) a person who is almost identical to another
ringer, clone, dead ringer
lexicalizationces: podobná osoba
has glossdan: Look-alike, alternativt lookalike, stammer fra engelsk og betyder "ser ud som." Det bruges populært om personer der klæder sig ud for at ligne en anden person (f.eks. idol eller fiktiv figur).
lexicalizationdan: Look-alike
lexicalizationdan: Lookalike
has glossfra: Un sosie est une personne ayant une ressemblance parfaite, plus particulièrement au niveau du visage, avec une autre personne, notamment une célébrité.
lexicalizationfra: sosie
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has glossita: Il sosia è colui che presenta una somiglianza perfetta, fisica e più particolarmente a livello del viso, ad un'altra persona, più spesso a una celebrità.
lexicalizationita: sosia
has glossnld: Een dubbelganger (ook wel lookalike) is een persoon die opvallend veel op een andere persoon lijkt. De term wordt vooral gebruikt voor mensen die sterk lijken op een beroemdheid, politicus of andere bekende persoonlijkheid.
lexicalizationnld: dubbelganger
has glosspor: Na mitologia grega, Sósia era um escravo de Anfitrião, marido de Alcmena. Zeus, a fim de seduzir Alcmena, assumiu a aparência de Anfitrião enquanto Hermes, que o ajudava, assumiu a forma de Sósia para vigiar o portão. Uma grande confusão foi criada, pois Anfitrião duvidou da fidelidade da esposa. No fim, tudo foi esclarecido por Zeus, e Anfitrião ficou contente por ser marido de uma escolhida do deus. Daquela noite de amor nasceu o semideus Hércules. A partir daí, o termo anfitrião passou a ter o sentido de "aquele que recebe em casa". O mesmo ocorreu com sósia — "cópia humana".
lexicalizationpor: Sósia
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has glossswe: En look-alike är en person som medvetet sminkar och klär sig som en kändis för att efterlikna eller imitera denne. Look-alikes jobbar ofta inom nöjesvärlden. Det är inte ovanligt att de ägnar sig åt att efterlikna kändisen för att denne är deras idol, och efterliknandet blir då ett sätt att hylla förebilden.
lexicalizationswe: Look alike
lexicalizationswe: look-alike
lexicalizationswe: Lookalike
lexicalizationukr: імітація
media:imgBernard Law Montgomery.jpg
media:imgMonty's double.gif


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