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has gloss(noun) chiefly terrestrial orchids with tubers or fleshy roots often having long slender spurs and petals and lip lobes; includes species formerly placed in genus Gymnadeniopsis
Habenaria, genus Habenaria
has glosseng: Habenaria, commonly called bog orchids, are a far ranging genus of orchid, one of approximately 800 described Orchidaceae genera within that large and diverse family. There are species in both tropical and temperate zones.
lexicalizationeng: genus Habenaria
lexicalizationeng: Habenaria
subclass of(noun) genus of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed
liliopsid genus, monocot genus
has glossdeu: Habenaria ist eine Gattung (Biologie) aus der Familie der Orchideen (Orchidaceae), die etwa 600 Pflanzenarten umfasst. Es sind kleine, krautige, terrestrisch wachsende Pflanzen. Sie sind weltweit, vor allem in den Tropen, verbreitet.
lexicalizationdeu: Habenaria
has glossfra: Habenaria est un genre d'orchidées terrestres comptant environ 600 espèces.
lexicalizationfra: Habenaria
has glossnld: Habenaria is een geslacht met ongeveer 700 soorten orchideeën van de onderfamilie Orchidoideae. Het is één van de grootste orchideeëngeslachten.
lexicalizationnld: Habenaria
has glosspor: Habenaria é um género botânico pertencente à família das orquídeas (Orchidaceae).
lexicalizationpor: Habenaria
has glossspa: Habenaria, comunmente llamadas orquídeas de los pantanos, son un género de orquídeas, uno de los aproximadamente 800 descritos géneros de Orchidaceae dentro de la larga familia. Se encuentran tanto en zonas tropicales como en templadas.
lexicalizationspa: Habenaria
has member(noun) any of several summer-flowering American orchids distinguished by a fringed or lacerated lip
fringed orchid, fringed orchis
has member(noun) any of several green orchids of the genus Habenaria
frog orchid
has member(noun) any of several American wildflowers with a kidney-shaped lip
rein orchid, rein orchis
member of(noun) enormous cosmopolitan family of perennial terrestrial or epiphytic plants with fleshy tubers or rootstocks and unusual flowers
orchid family, family Orchidaceae, Orchidaceae
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media:imgHabenaria marginata (Golden Yellow Habenaria) W IMG 1983.jpg
media:imgHabenaria roxburghii syn H platyphylla in Talakona forest, AP W IMG 8591.jpg
media:imgHabenaria roxburghii syn H platyphylla leaves in Talakona forest, AP W IMG 8592.jpg


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