Information | |
has gloss | (noun) a popular edible fungus with a cap the color of liver or raw meat; abundant in southeastern United States Fistulina hepatica, beefsteak fungus |
has gloss | eng: Fistulina hepatica (Beefsteak Fungus, also known as Beefsteak Polypore or Ox Tongue) is an unusual agaric bracket fungus that is most commonly seen in Britain, but can be found in North America, Australia, and the rest of Europe. As its name suggests, it looks remarkably similar to a slab of raw meat. It has been used as a meat substitute in the past, and can still be found in some French markets. It has a sour, slightly acidic taste. It can be tough and needs long cooking. |
lexicalization | eng: beefsteak fungus |
lexicalization | eng: Fistulina hepatica |
subclass of | (noun) woody pore fungi; any fungus of the family Polyporaceae or family Boletaceae having the spore-bearing surface within tubes or pores; the fruiting bodies are usually woody at maturity and persistent pore mushroom, pore fungus, polypore |
Meaning | |
Catalan | |
has gloss | cat: El fetge de vaca (Fistulina hepatica, del llatí fistula -tub- perquè fa referència als tubs de sota del capell que acullen lhimeni daquest bolet; i del grec modern hepatiké -relatiu al fetge- per la seua similitud amb un fetge) és un estrany i inconfusible bolet de tardor molt corrent en alguns indrets i força rar en altres. |
lexicalization | cat: fetge de vaca |
French | |
has gloss | fra: La fistuline hépatique (Fistulina hepatica), aussi appelée foie de bœuf ou, plus souvent, langue de bœuf est un champignon basidiomycète de la famille des fistulinacées dont elle est quasiment la seule espèce. |
lexicalization | fra: Fistuline hepatique |
lexicalization | fra: fistuline hépatique |
Croatian | |
has gloss | hrv: Vukovo meso ili jetrenka (Fistulina hepatica) je neobična vrsta jestive gljive iz porodice Fistulinaceae. |
lexicalization | hrv: Vukovo meso |
Hungarian | |
has gloss | hun: A májgomba (Fistulina hepatica) a kalaposgombák rendjén belül a májgombafélék családjába tartozó Fistulina nemzetség egyik fiatalon ehető, Magyarországon is előforduló gombája. Májra emlékeztető, nagy termetű, elsősorban fák törzsén élősködő faj. |
lexicalization | hun: májgomba |
Italian | |
has gloss | ita: Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.) With., A Botanical Arrangement of British Plants 3(2): 405 (1792). |
lexicalization | ita: Fistulina hepatica |
Japanese | |
has gloss | jpn: カンゾウタケ(肝臓茸、Fistulina hepatica Schaeff.:Fr.)は、ヒダナシタケ目カンゾウタケ科カンゾウタケ属に属する一属一科一種のキノコ。全世界に広く分布し、欧米では広く食用にされている。アメリカなどでは"Beefsteak Fungus"・「貧者のビーフステーキ」、フランスでは「牛の舌」(Langue de boeuf)と呼ばれている。 |
lexicalization | jpn: カンゾウタケ |
Lithuanian | |
has gloss | lit: Ąžuolinė kepena – kempenainių (Fistulinaceae) šeimos grybų rūšis. |
lexicalization | lit: Ąžuolinė kepena |
Dutch | |
has gloss | nld: __NOTOC__ De biefstukzwam (Fistulina hepatica) is een eetbare paddenstoel uit de familie Fistulinaceae. Het is de enige vertegenwoordiger van deze familie in de Benelux. |
lexicalization | nld: biefstukzwam |
Polish | |
has gloss | pol: __NOTOC__ Ozorek dębowy (Fistulina hepatica (Schaeff.): Fr.) – gatunek grzyba pasożytniczego z rodziny ozorkowatych. Jedyny gatunek występujący w Polsce należący do rodzaju ozorek. Występuje w Australii, Ameryce Północnej oraz Europie. |
lexicalization | pol: Ozorek dębowy |
Russian | |
has gloss | rus: Печёночница обыкнове́нная, Печёночный гриб — гриб-трутовик семейства . Научные синонимы * * * * и др. Русские синонимы: * печёночник обыкнове́нный * Печёночный гриб |
lexicalization | rus: Печеночница обыкновенная |
lexicalization | rus: Печёночница обыкновенная |
Turkish | |
has gloss | tur: Biftek mantarı (Fistulina hepatica), Fistulinaceae familyasından yenebilen bir mantar türü. Şekli çiğ eti andırdığından ve kesildiği zaman kırmızı bir sıvı çıkardığı için biftek mantarı ismini almıştır. Fransa'da pazarlarda halen satılmaktadır. Tadı, ekşimsi ve hafif asidiktir. |
lexicalization | tur: Biftek mantarı |
Ukrainian | |
lexicalization | ukr: Печіночниця звичайна |
Links | |
member of | (noun) fungi having each pore separate though crowded Fistulina, genus Fistulina |
similar | e/Fistulina hepatica |
Media | |
media:img | Fistulina hepatica 1.jpg |
media:img | Fistulina hepatica JPG1.jpg |
media:img | Fistulina hepatica.JPG |
media:img | Fistulina hepatica.jpg |
media:img | Fistuline hepatique - Perigord - Juillet 2006.JPG |
media:img | Foodlogo3.svg |
media:img | カンゾウタケ.jpg |
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