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has gloss(noun) fairly small terrestrial ferns of tropical America
genus Danaea, Danaea
has glosseng: Danaea Sm. is a fern genus of approximately 50 species in the eusporangiate fern family Marattiaceae. they are small to intermediately large ferns with erect or creeping rhizomes and usually once pinnate leaves with opposite pinnae. The fertile leaves are contracted, acrostichoid and covered below with sunken, linear synangia. The genus Danaea has a Neotropical distribution, occurring from southern Mexico through Central America, the Caribbean and northern South America to Bolivia, Paraguay and the Mata Atlantica in Brazil and Northen Argentina. There is also a population on Isla del Coco (Cocos Island) in the Pacific. Two species Danaea carillensis (Costa Rica) and D. simplicifolia (Guianas, Brazil, Trinidad) have simple, undivided leaves, and some other species sometimes have bipinnate leaves (D. bipinnata, D. nodosa, D. urbanii). One species Danaea kalevala of the Lesser Antilles was named in honour of the Finnish heroic epic Kalevala.
lexicalizationeng: Danaea
lexicalizationeng: genus Danaea
subclass of(noun) genera of ferns and fern allies
fern genus
member of(noun) constituting the order Marattiales: chiefly tropical eusporangiate ferns with gigantic fronds
family Marattiaceae, Marattiaceae


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